What’s new in the MSJC Administration of Justice and Corrections Program
The Administration of Justice and Corrections Program has procured four additional rooms within the newly remodeled 3000 building: Classroom (#3030); Simulator Room (#3033); Forensic Lab (#3028); and the Mat Room (#3032).
The classroom seats 22 and is equipped with the latest technology. To augment the computer technology, we have purchased three computer software programs to be used in many courses: composite sketching for suspect and witness identification, crime scene reconstruction for criminal investigations, and collision reconstruction for major or fatal collisions. These programs will expose students to technology currently being used by law enforcement officers and investigators across the United States and will provide “hands-on” application.
The simulator room contains a state-of-the-art use-of-force and driving simulator. These simulators will expose students to the rigors of policing including critical decision-making and driving skills; both necessary for anyone contemplating a career in law enforcement should possess.
The mat room will be a dual-purpose room; used for arrest and control training and for evidence processing of mock crime scenes.
Finally, the forensic lab is a state-of-the-art classroom/lab to be used for the new course AJ-124 Introduction to Criminalistics for Law Enforcement. The lab contains computer technology, fuming chambers, fingerprint dusting stations, comparison microscopes, forensic alternative light sources, physical and photographic evidence processing equipment, DUI evaluation equipment and more.
New Courses:
We have added several new courses. These courses include:
AJ-117 Introduction to Terrorism and Homeland Security covers the historical and contemporary issues interrelating terrorism, intelligence, and homeland security. The course represents not only a strong scholarly approach to the study of terrorism, but also incorporates the real-world experience of federal agents and police officers tasked with preventing terrorism in our country.
AJ-598 Introduction to Private Security and Loss Prevention covers the historical and contemporary issues relating to private security. The course is designed to provide students with a general overview of the important roles and responsibilities of private security plays in our society while also sensitizing them to the complexities and ambiguities of modern private security.
AJ-124 Introduction to Forensics for Law Enforcement introduces students to the application of scientific principles to solve criminal cases. The course addresses the techniques and procedures in the investigation of crimes and the ethical issues associated with the collection and analysis of evidence. Content includes the analysis of fingerprinting, firearms, tool marks, impressions, hair and fibers, DNA, along with the role of crime scene investigators and forensic specialists.
Coming Soon!
AJ-507 Ethics in Criminal Justice provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities facing criminal justice professionals in a fluid twenty-first century environment. This course covers ethics as it relates to the police, the courts, and corrections. Students will learn the principles and theories that are the foundation of ethical decision making along with gaining insight into the latest challenges and issues in criminal justice. Content includes, but is not limited to, morality, ethics, culture, human behavior, race, justice and law, the police and society, police discretion and dilemmas, and police corruption. Exercises, cases studies and practical scenarios will illustrate the significance of ethics in the criminal justice arena.
New Employment Concentration: Private Security and Loss Prevention
With the addition of the new course (AJ-098), we have also created a new employment concentration - Private Security/Loss Prevention. Courses include Introduction to Private Security (3-units), Criminal Law (3-units), Criminal Investigation (3-Units), and Report Writing (3-units).
Below are pictures of the new forensics’ lab.

Corrections Academy Coming Soon!
This is a new course within a new state approved certificate in corrections. The certificate will require the completion of two core courses and two elective courses, for a total of 16-units. The core courses include AJ096 Corrections Academy (7-units) and AJ097 BSIS Certification Course (3-units); and the elective courses include CORR-101 Introduction to Corrections (3-units), AJ101 Criminal Law (3-units), AJ102 Introduction to Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement (3-units), AJ105 Tactical Communication and Report Writing (3-units), AJ111 Criminal Procedure (3-units), or AJ-115 Introduction to Probation and Parole (3-units). Upon completion, students will be certified to work in the corrections field.
This course meets the training requirement as set forth by the California Board of Corrections, Section 179 and 1020 of Title XV, California Administrative Code, and fulfills the mandatory training requirements for Corrections/Custodial Officers who are assigned to custody positions in city/county/private jails or facilities. The content is job-related and is certified by Standards and Training for Corrections (STC Certification To be obtained).