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Funding Opportunities

Links to Funding Agencies

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Links to Funding Agencies

The links below are meant to assist in finding grant opportunities available through the federal government. Although comprehensive, the links below do not include every governmental department and agency; rather, the links that have been included are those that are "friendly" and have funding opportunities specifically for community colleges.

Federal Funding - Departments

U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Education 
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of Transportation


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Federal Funding - Independent Agencies

Environmental Protection Agency
Institute of Library and Museum Services 
National Aeronautic and Space Administration
National Endowment of the Arts
National Endowment of the Humanities 
National Institutes of Health
National Science Foundation



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Government Funding Resources on the Web

Federal Register
A service of the U.S. Government Printing Office that provides free electronic access to important information products produced by the Federal Government. The Federal Register is the official publication for Presidential Documents and Executive Orders as well as Notices, Rules and Proposed Rules from Federal agencies and organizations.

The search engine and collection of topical and customer-focused links connects to millions of web pages - from the federal government, local and tribal governments and to foreign nations around the world
Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies. is the single access point for over 900 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies

White House 
Provides information from the White House, the President's cabinet, independent federal agencies and commissions, and the legislative and judicial branches

Library of Congress 
Provides information about the U.S. Congress and the legislative process. Includes information on congressional activity and committee reports

Office of Management and Budget Grants Management
OMB leads development of government-wide policy to assure that grants are managed properly and that Federal dollars are spent in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.  

Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)

ERIC is an online digital library of education research and information. ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. ERIC provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. 

Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)

Title 34 of the CFR, which pertains to the U.S. Department of Education and related Federal entities, is composed of several hundred parts printed in three volumes. 2 CFR Part 200 of that title are collectively known as the General Administrative Regulations OR Uniform Guidance. These parts contain regulations for administering discretionary and formula grants awarded by the Department of Education. 


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State Funding Resources

Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges
The administrative branch of the California Community College system. Provides leadership and technical assistance to the 109 community colleges and 72 community college districts in California. Responsible for allocating state funding to the colleges and districts


California Department of Education
Provides information related to current grant programs offered by CDE as well as other funding opportunities administered by agencies outside the Department. The mission of the CDE is to provide leadership, assistance, oversight, and resources so that every Californian has access to an education that meets world-class standards.


California Private Funding Resources (Foundation)

Cal Humanities 
Devoted to strengthening community life in California by creating, sponsoring and promoting humanities programs for the general public in every region of the state
California Endowment 
Awards grants to organizations and institutions that directly benefit the health and well-being of Californians, and those that work to provide and expand access to affordable, quality health care for California's underserved individuals and communities. The Endowment has two main grant programs -- Local Opportunities Fund and the CommunitiesFirst -- designed to support ideas and approaches to health improvements generated at the community level
California Community Foundation 
The mission of the California Community Foundation is to build one community out of many by matching acts of caring to community needs. Each year, the Foundation makes grants to established nonprofits to support programs with proven track records and to pilot programs from nonprofits that have proposed a new and innovative solution
The California Wellness Foundation 
The mission of The California Wellness Foundation is to improve the health of the people of California by making grants for health promotion, wellness education and disease prevention

Inland Empire Community Foundation 
Dedicated to strengthening our communities by meeting the needs and enhancing the lives of individuals in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in partnership with philanthropic individuals, community leaders, and the nonprofit sector. The Community Foundation builds permanent endowments, makes prudent grants for charitable causes, and is a catalyst to solve community concerns, and strengthens nonprofit organizations


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State/Local Resources on the Web

State of California

County of Riverside


Additional Grant Resources 

Code of Federal Regulations 

Office of Inspector General (audit reports and findings)


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Data & Research Resources

MSJC Institutional Research Website

US Census Bureau

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

California Community College Chancellors Office Datamart

California Employment Development Department - Labor Market Information

California Department of Education - DataQuest

California Department of Finance - Demographic, Economic & Financial Research

California State Association of Counties

An online database of information on the activities and finances of more than 850,000 nonprofit organizations, run by Philanthropic Research, Inc., makes nonprofit returns, including foundation Forms 990-PF, accessible via the internet. Free registration is required in order to view Forms 990-PF


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