Student Services
The following reports represent MSJC Student Services.
MSJC Counseling Services Reporting
MSJC Student Services Program Reporting
- Accommodation Service Center (formerly DSPS) Reporting
- EOPS Performance Reporting
- Financial Aid Reporting
- Financial Aid Headcount Demographics 10 Year Report
- Financial Aid Pell Audit
- Student Athlete Performance Reporting
- Veteran Reporting
Assessment And Placement
- Validation of Placement Decisions Based on Assessment Tests
(2006 Spring Term) - Assessment of the Multiple Measures used to Place MSJC Students into Reading, English,
and Math Courses
(2007 Multiple Measures Study: Assessment tests between Spring 2002 and Summer 2006) - Placement Validity Report for Mt. San Jacinto College- Math ACES
(2011-04-27) - ACCUPLACER Consequential-Related Validity Study
(2012 Spring) - ACCUPLACER English placement level and performance analysis Consequential-Related
Validity Study
(2016 Spring) - Placement Validity Report for Mt. San Jacinto College- English ACES
(2016-02-26) - ACCUPLACER Math placement level and performance analysis Consequential-Related Validity
(2017 Fall)